Linux Evil Toolkit && zynix-Fusion
zynix-Fusion is a framework that aims to centralize, standardize and simplify the use of various security tools for pentest professionals. zynix-Fusion (old name: Linux evil toolkit) has few simple commands, one of which is the init function that allows you to define a target, and thus use all the tools without typing anything else. Is zynix-Fusion better than setoolkit? Yes and no, there are two that serve the same thing and in a different way, the Zynix-Fusion and an automated attack information automation script.
Warning: I am not responsible for the way that this software will be used by third parties. The purpose of this software is only educational. considerations § 1 About use This script was made to automate the steps of gathering information about web targets, the misuse and responsibility of the user, to report bugs or make suggestions open a report on github. § 2 About simple_scan Automap was replaced by simple_scan, it is lighter and faster, in addition to being less detectable, now it has different modes of execution that make it possible from a quick and simple execution to more complex modes. § 3 About Console The output of the script can be extremely long, so see if your console, (gnome-terminal, cmd, konsole) is configured to display 1000 lines (I particularly recommend 10,000 lines), for professional purposes it allows the documentation, it records the commands, exits and formats the text.
simple_scan options
alone "-sL" --> "List Scan - simply list targets to scan" "-sP" --> "Ping Scan - go no further than determining if host is online" default "-sS -sV" --> "TCP SYN" "-sU -sV" --> "UDP Scan" icmp_echo "-sS -sV -PE" --> "TCP SYN + ICMP echo discovery probes" "-sU -sV -PE" --> "UDP Scan + ICMP echo discovery probes" "-sA -sV -PE" --> "ACK + ICMP echo discovery probes" port_list "-sS" --> "TCP SYN + [portlist]: TCP SYN discovery probes to given ports" "-sA" --> "ACK + [portlist]: TCP ACK discovery probes to given ports" "-sU" --> "UDP Scan + [portlist]: TCP UDP discovery probes to given ports" special "-sT -sV" --> "Connect()" "-sW -sV" --> "Window" "-sM -sV" --> "Maimon scans" "-sN -sV" --> "TCP Null" "-sF -sV" --> "FIN" "-sX -sV" --> "Xmas scans"
Kernel functions
Kernel.compress | Compress files Kernel.extract | Extract files Kernel.cover | Covers your tracks and logs Kernel.port_scanner | Repleced by automap Kernel.note | Create simple notes Kernel.search | Search whois, emails, banner grep Kernel.dns_scanner | Scan for 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA' Kernel.dir_scanner | Brute force for search files and folders Kernel.simple_scan | Runs an automatic scanner with nmap
Kernel backend
Kernel.get_time | Set time Kernel.session | Create sessions Kernel.init | Init variables Kernel.set | Set value and show message Kernel.sys | Execute system command Kernel.assembly | Backend function Kernel.exec | Backend function
From Visual module
Visual.banner | Function for show text Visual.web_dns | Function for show text Visual.linux_files | Function for show text Visual.linux_folders | Function for show text Visual.linux_util | Function for show text Visual.tor_search | Function for show text Visual.tor_alt | Function for show text
From Interpreter module
Shell.shell | Backend function :: select an option Shell.main | Backend function :: main loop
From FakeDump module
FakeDump.fakeEmail | Genate fake emails FakeDump.cpf | Genate fake cpf FakeDump.gem | Genate fake names (Brazilian, Latino and Portuquese only) FakeDump.idhash | Genate hash com string FakeDump.simple_dump | Genate return a simples string with data FakeDump.dump_xml | Genate return xml code with data FakeDump.simple_call | Genate Simple function for select xml or txt output file
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