Linux vs MacOS 15 Reasons Why You Must Use Linux Instead of MacOS

At the very beginning, I would like to tell you that there’s no “better OS,” instead, it will depend on how a user uses it or what’s the purpose of using it. Every OS, either Linux vs Mac OS vs. Windows OS, has its overriding factors considering the various usages of categories.
If you want a system which is open source in nature, then I suggest you use Linux as it comes with free and lots of open source software. But for the office environment, you better go with Windows OS as it provides enterprise level office suite software. On the other hand, Mac OS is suitable for high-end media or graphics tasking like Web-Design, UX & UI Design, Product Design, Sound Editing, Image Editing, etc.
Linux vs Mac OS: Best 20 Things To Consider
Before going into the details of Linux vs Mac OS article, I suggest you check out my previous article on Linux or Windows, Linux Mint vs. Ubuntu, and Debian vs. Ubuntu. These set of comparison article will let you know various information about Linux and its various popular distros, and what makes the Linux or Windows better in their specific sectors?
In this article, I will show you the best 20 reasons that help you to choose the perfect working system between Linux and Mac OS. Out of these 20 considerations, you may find some are only providing general information, and some give a comparison in between. I hope, as a combined process, you will get the necessary information which ultimately takes you to the right path for selecting the best OS. So sit tight and let’s move with the roller coaster.
1. Basic Foundation: Into the Core
If I want to compare Linux with Mac OS, then firstly, Linux itself needs to be clarified a bit. Linux is not an OS, instead of a complete kernel which is the foundation core for all the Linux distros out there. Many companies in the market make various Linux OS combining all the software, desktop environment, drivers, and the core kernel. So Linux kernel is developed and maintained by Linux foundation, but lots of volunteers and companies make distros. No single entity has a complete grip on Linux.
On the other hand, Mac OS is solely developed and maintained by Apple engineers. That means one company is developing the whole system, including the kernel, desktop environment, and much of the default software. Mac OS is based on a different architecture – NeXTSTEP, a Unix system.
2. System Stability and Performance
Linux and Mac OS both the system are quite stable to perform the regular task. Apple backs Mac OS, so it has a well-integrated system update process which ensures sound system stability and high performance.
Linux distros come with various desktop environments depending on users need and demands. If you have the latest high-end machine, Ubuntu or Linux Mint can be your best choice. Otherwise, you go for any lightweight Linux distros like Lubuntu or PepperMint for your age-old desktop or laptop. In spite of heavy resource demanded system or lightweight distros, Linux ensures solid system stability and best performance across the devices.
3. Mac OS X vs Linux: Hardware Support
Both the system, Linux and Mac OS, shines in this sector. As Mac OS is only used in Apple made hardware. Thus it provides a stable and well integrated hardware-software combination for giving you the highest performance.
About Linux, it has a wide range of software for driver support. Though previously, it was a problem that Linux could not provide; oh no, instead I should say; the hardware developer didn’t offer driver compatibility support for its hardware in the Linux system. But now the time has changed. Linux is one of the widely used OS in both desktop or server machine. Now all the major vendors provide hardware compatible drivers for Linux distros as soon as it gets for other systems like Mac OS or Windows OS.
4. Linux vs Mac: Target User Group
If you can master a lot of money and want a system with ready to go, then I prefer you choose Mac OS. This system will give you a fantastic and polished desktop environment with a robust performance. Mac OS is an excellent choice for beginner users and some advanced users who want to do some high-end sound or video editing task and graphics designing.
Linux has both the users’ groups targeted. If you are new to the Linux world, then go for Ubuntu, Linux Mint or Elementary OS, but choose Arch Linux or Kali, if you want an advanced or customized task-oriented environment. Moreover, there is a Terminal or command line interface which acts as an advanced tool for performing any tech-savvy level job.
5. Mac OS X vs Linux: F.O.S.S vs. Proprietary
Linux is a hub of free and open source software. There are thousands of applications available in the market, which are a quite useful alternative to any paid business suites or applications.
Buying a Mac OS powered Apple machine or software both cost you lot of money. Apple indeed provides some high-end, sophisticated software, but you have to be ready to release a penny for either their software or services.
6. Linux vs Mac: Security and Privacy
Security and privacy is the key factor for the Linux system. That’s why it has got immense popularity among IT professionals. It’s difficult to create any backdoor in Linux kernel system, and it also ensures that it doesn’t track any digital footprint of the users.
On the other hand, Mac OS is a nicely organized walled garden for the users created by Apple. Most of Apple’s software keeps track of their user’s movement so that it can sell the product in a better way to its customer. Moreover, as Mac OS is a closed source, so we don’t know how the apple is using the users’ data or to whom the company sells it.
7. OSX vs Linux: Antivirus and Malware Threat
In the case of Windows OS, I can confidently say that it’s the hub of malware and online threats. But for Mac OS, it’s not like that. Apple always provides stable security patches whenever any security holes or breaches occurs or reported.
Though Linux provides a robust system, it’s not immune to malware or any online threats. Linux has a large number of community bases to help you out anytime, anywhere security breached happens in the system.
8. Linux vs Mac OS: Customization
Like Windows OS, you can’t do any effective customization in Mac OS. Everything comes pre-defined from the company, and hardly you have any chance to make the system as you wish.
In the case of a Linux system, you will have jaw-dropping customization options for whatever you feel like to do. It offers both a GUI or command line interface for basic and advanced customization accordingly.
9. Administrative Privilege and Root Access
By default, Linux doesn’t provide any administrative or root access, meaning that virus or malware can damage the system files at the initial go except users common data. But on Windows and Mac OS, it provides administrative and root access from the beginning, which makes the system more vulnerable to malware and virus.
10. Programming Platform for Developers
Mac OS is an excellent choice for creating a development environment of sound, movie, graphics design, or web design elements. But you are a programmer or intend to do programming, and then the best choices will be adopting Linux system. There are thousands of code editor, text editor, IDEs, and programming languages only created kept Linux environment in mind.
11. OSX vs Linux: Install, Update, and Upgrade
Apple is the only vendor who provides all the system update, and Mac system has its own system integrated app store, which makes it very easy and effortless to get the required updates. Mac users hardly need any tech knowledge for updating the system and software.
On the other hand, Linux was known as a bit complicated system and best for tech-savvy people. But now the time has changed. There are many distros available in the market like Ubuntu, ZorinOS, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, PepperMint which has made their footprints in the OS world as a simple and straightforward system like Windows or Mac OS. Linux distros provide easy steps to install the system itself, and it has a well-integrated repository system for updating installed applications.
12. Linux vs Mac: Different Flavors for Different Need
Linux remains a thousand miles ahead in this sector. There are hundreds of Linux desktop environment available depending on users need and system configuration. Moreover, there are Windows Mac OS like distros like ZorinOS and Elementary OS available for those who want a smooth transition from their previous OS. You can also change the whole system by adding various Themes and Icons.
13. Linux vs Mac OS: Gaming Area
Like Windows, Mac OS is a preferred system for developing the latest and trending games. You get all the games on the Mac system. Linux had a bad reputation in this sector. But now it has gained momentum in regards to getting priority in games development and hardware support for highest gaming performance. Moreover, Linux supports the steam platform where you can play all the best games offline and online. Now play games on a Linux system is much more accessible via PlayonLinux or Wine environment.
14. OSX vs Linux: Photoshop, Office Suite and Media Editor
Photoshop application, business office suites, high-end media editors are the main “de facto” of why the users use Mac OS. It provides high-end performance for sound editing, photo editing, video editing, etc. In the case of Linux, It doesn’t support MS Office suite or Adobe Photoshop, but there are lots of alternatives available for that business software. You can use LibreOffice as Microsoft Office alternative and GIMP or Darktable as Photoshop alternative.
15. Linux vs Mac OS: Task Automation
As Linux provides more administrative and root level access than Mac OS, thus it remains ahead of doing task automation through command line interface than that of Mac system. Most of the IT professionals prefer to use Linux in their working environment than Mac OS.
Linux vs Mac OS: Which One is Best for You?
Mac OS is far more secure and reliable than that of running a Windows system. But it’s not impossible to hack or attack the Mac system, but as it’s based on Unix platform, thus it provides a secure sandbox environment where the threats or malware can’t get access to the core files and do massive damage.
In a Linux system, it’s more reliable and secure than Windows and Mac OS. That’s why, around the world, starting from the beginners to IT expert make their choices to use Linux than any other system. And in the server and supercomputer sector, Linux becomes the first choice and dominant platform for most of the users.
So if you are a user who likes to have an aristocratic and robust look and feel, and want an environment of doing some high-end sound, media, photo, graphics design tasking, then I recommend you to use Mac OS. But remember, It will cost you a handsome amount of money at the beginning and throughout the life cycle as well. It will provide you with a system that you can just use without much tech customization and hassle.
On the other hand, If you are an open source lover like me, then obviously go for Linux. It will give you a free environment to make the system as you like or need. You have all the software that comes free of cost. And also can do both a personal and business task effectively.
I hope you like this article on Linux vs Mac OS comparison. Though it’s not like an ideal comparison, less or more, it provides a handful of information that you may seem useful. If you like it, please take a moment to share it on your personal and professional social network. This sharing and caring will boost our morale to write more article for the audiences. And don’t forget to share your suggestions and experiences in the comment section below. Thank you for your valuable time spent here.
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