EMBA The security analyzer for embedded device firmware EMBA is designed as ...

Apache Tomcat webshell application for RCE. A webshell application and interactive ...

Red Team Toolkit – A curated list of tools that are ...

SearchMap_V1.0.2 Searchmap is a comprehensive information collection tool for pre-penetration testing ...

Generate a bunch of malicious pdf files with phone-home functionality. Can ...

It was also developed with the aim of automating and facilitating ...

One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red ...

CVE-2022-25262 PoC + vulnerability details for CVE-2022-25262 | JetBrains Hub single-click ...

AWSSigner Burp Extension for AWS SigV4 Signing. Create a profile in ...

If you just have access to an AD environment but you ...