PowerShell alternative/restriction bypass
What’s the purpose?
Allow the usage of PowerShell scripts/commands/cmdlets even if it’s in the application blacklist
How to use?
- Download PowerSnail.exe
- Run PowerSnail.exe
- Type in the commands/cmdlets you want to run
What if I want to run a script? How should I do that?
- Follow step 1-2 in “How to use?”
- Dot source the script (*.ps1)
- Do the magic
Scenario: I want to run Invoke-AllChecks (PowerUp.ps1 kit) in the target system. Unfortunately, the system does not allow PowerShell and Command Prompt. After digging through my tools pouch, I found PowerSnail! It should be able to help me bypass the restrictions >:D
Command: . C:\Users\owl\Desktop\Exploit_Testing\PowerUp.ps1; Invoke-AllChecks
Output should look like this…

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