HTML is a Programming Language!
is experimental and currently in development. Proceed at your own risk!
features no build step, no bundling, no webpack configs. Open up your HTML and start writing HTML.
Include the script tag into the <head></head>
section of your HTML.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@joelnet/html-lang@0.0.6/umd/html-lang.js"></script>
Variables are globally scoped.
<!-- String -->
<val message="Hello World"></val>
<!-- Number -->
<val x:number="888"></val>
<!-- Object -->
<val y:object="{ x: 1, y: 2 }"></val>
<!-- Array -->
<val z:object="['A', 'B', 'C']"></val>
Computed Values
The computed value syntax has a :?
at the end of the Variable name.
<!-- Set name -->
<val name="World"></val>
<!-- Compute Message -->
<val message:?="'Hello ' + name"></val>
Display a Variable
<!-- set message to "Hello World" -->
<val message="Hello World"></val>
<!-- Display message -->
<span set:text="message"></span>
If / Conditional
<if test="x > 10">X is GREATER than 10!</if>
An else
can be simulated by negating the if condition.
<if test="x > 10">X is GREATER than 10!</if>
<if test="!(x > 10)">X is NOT GREATER than 10!</if>
<!-- set i to 1 -->
<val i:number="1"></val>
<!-- loop while i is less than 11 -->
<while test="i < 11">
<!-- display i -->
<div set:text="i"></div>
<!-- increment i -->
<val i:?="i+1"></val>
Fetching Data
<!-- fetch data -->
<val response:fetch="'https://swapi.dev/api/people/1'"></val>
<!-- destructure response into loading, error, data -->
<!-- Show when Loading -->
<if test="loading">Loading...</if>
<!-- Show if Error -->
<if test="error"> Error: <span set:text="error"></span> </if>
<!-- Display Data -->
<if test="data">
<div>name: <span set:text="data.name"></span></div>
<div>gender: <span set:text="data.gender"></span></div>
<div>height: <span set:text="data.height"></span>cm</div>
<!-- set i to 1 -->
<val i:number="1"></val>
<!-- loop to 100 -->
<while test="i < 101">
<!-- if no match display i -->
<if test="i % 3 !== 0 && i % 5 !== 0">
<span set:text="i"></span>
<!-- display Fizz, Buzz -->
<if test="i % 3 === 0">Fizz</if><if test="i % 5 === 0">Buzz</if>
<!-- increment i -->
<val i:?="i+1"></val>
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