FinDOM-XSS is a tool that allows you to finding for possible and/ potential DOM based XSS vulnerability in a fast manner.
$ git clone https://github.com/dwisiswant0/findom-xss.git --recurse-submodules
Dependencies: LinkFinder
To run the tool on a target, just use the following command.
$ ./findom-xss.sh https://domain.tld/about-us.html
This will run the tool against domain.tld
URLs can also be piped to findom-xss and scan on them. For example:
$ cat urls.txt | ./findom-xss.sh
The second argument can be used to specify an output file.
$ ./findom-xss.sh https://domain.tld/about-us.html /path/to/output.txt
By default, output will be stored in the results/
directory in the repository with domain.tld.txt
FinDOM-XSS is licensed under the Apache. Take a look at the LICENSE for more information.
- @dark_warlord14 – Inspired by the JSScanner tool, that’s why this tool was made.
- @aslanewre – With possible patterns.
- All Contributors
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