cerbrutus – Network brute force tool written in Python



Network brute force tool, written in Python. Faster than other existing solutions (including the main leader in the network brute force market).


Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in the near future other network services.

COMING SOON: SMB, HTTP(s) POST, HTTP(s) GET, HTTP BASIC AUTH Thanks to @0dayctf, Rondons, Enigma, and 001 for testing and contributing


cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/Cerbrutus-BruteForcer/cerbrutus


python3 /opt/cerbrutus/cerbrutus.py --help
usage: cerbrutus.py [-h] -U USERS -P PASSWORDS [-p PORT] [-t THREADS] [-q [QUIET [QUIET ...]]] Host Service

Python based network brute forcing tool!

positional arguments:
  Host                  The host to connect to - in IP or VHOST/Domain Name form
  Service               The service to brute force (currently implemented 'SSH')

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U USERS, --users USERS
                        Either a single user, or the path to the file of users you wish to use
                        Either a single password, or the path to the password list you wish to use
  -p PORT, --port PORT  The port you wish to target (only required if running on a non standard port)      
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to use
  -q [QUIET [QUIET ...]], --quiet [QUIET [QUIET ...]]
                        Do not print banner
/opt/cerbrutus/cerbrutus.py SSH -U "username" -P /opt/wordlists/fasttrack.txt -t 10

            __    ___  ____   ____   ____  __ __  ______  __ __  _____
           /  ]  /  _]|    \ |    \ |    \|  |  ||      ||  |  |/ ___/
          /  /  /  [_ |  D  )|  o  )|  D  )  |  ||      ||  |  (   \_
         /  /  |    _]|    / |     ||    /|  |  ||_|  |_||  |  |\__  |
        /   \_ |   [_ |    \ |  O  ||    \|  :  |  |  |  |  :  |/  \ |
        \     ||     ||  .  \|     ||  .  \     |  |  |  |     |\    |
         \____||_____||__|\_||_____||__|\_|\__,_|  |__|   \__,_| \___|

        Network Brute Force Tool
[*] - Initialising password list...
Read in 224 words from /opt/wordlists/fasttrack.txt
[+] - Running with 10 threads...
[*] - Starting attack against username@
[*] - Trying: 65/224

Test Run:

# The password is in line number 12600 in rockyou

64 threads -> 1400 seconds ~ 7 minutes (hydra took 30 minutes)
1000 threads -> 464 seconds -> 27 requests per second
100 threads took 1000 seconds -> 12 requests per second 

# the password is in line 460 
100 threads took 32 seconds -> 14 requests per second
1000 threads took 16 seconds -> 28 requests per second
64 threads took 51 seconds -> 9 requests per second (hydra took the same time)

# word number 20k in rockyou
1100 threads took 637 seconds which means 31 rps
110 threads took 1457 seconds so that's 13.7 rps

Uses a custom implementation of paramiko to overcome a few minor issues with implementing it for ssh brute forcing.
