Best 20 Python Books For Beginner and Expert Programmers
Python is considered one of the best programming languages in the modern world. It has a vast field of usages like the development of desktop graphical user interface (GUI), apps development, development of websites, development of scientific applications and numeric applications, development of games, etc. To study this high-value language as a newbie, you need to choose a set of appropriate books. You might get confused once you see numerous books around you. Breath! Here we are to ease up your work. We are going to discuss some best Python books that are perfect for those who want to learn python.
Best Python Books
In this article, we have gathered a list of books that will help you to learn python easily as a beginner. Most of the books are highly informative and innovative in their ways and styles of learning. These books will also help the advanced level learners to exercise their skills for improvement.
1. A Practical Introduction to Python Programming
As a starter of Python Programming and a dreamer of high-value programmers, this is the best book to learn python. The book initially teaches the basics of Python, starting from the installation and concluding with Object-Oriented Programming. The book discusses Graphics, where you can learn about Graphical User Interface programming in different parts in the next sequence. Finally, you will learn some of the intermediate topics.
Table of Contents
- Basics
- Installing Python
- For Loops
- Numbers
- If Statements
- Miscellaneous Topics I
- Strings
- Lists
- More with Lists
- While Loops
- Miscellaneous Topics II
- Dictionaries
- Text Files
- Functions
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Graphics
- GUI Programming with Tkinter
- GUI Programming II
- GUI Programming III
- Further Graphical Programming
- Intermediate Topics
- Miscellaneous Topics III
- Useful Modules
- Regular Expressions
- Math
- Working With Functions
- The Itertools and Collections Modules
- Exceptions
2. Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional
The book teaches the basics of python and Ant hacking. You can learn about how to work with tuples and strings. Knowledge about abstractions and exceptions, which are common, is nicely given in the book. It also contains different methods like magic methods to make your understanding easy. The book also discusses network programming and GUI. And finally, there are 10 different projects which will increase your knowledge and skills.
Table of Contents
- Ant Hacking: The Basics
- Lists and tuples
- Working with Strings
- Dictionaries: when Indices Won’t Do
- Conditionals, Loops, and Some Other Statements
- Abstractions’
- More Abstraction
- Exceptions
- Magic Methods, Properties, and Iterators
- Batteries Included
- Files and Stuff
- Graphical User Interface
- Database Support
- Network Programming
- Python and the Web
- Testing, 1-2-3
- Extending Python
- Packaging your Programs
- Playful Programming
- 10 Projects
3. A Python Book: Beginning Python, Advanced Python, and Python Exercises
You may come with very less knowledge to learn python. You may have good knowledge about the topic but have the intention to learn more. Whatever the situation, the best python book to learn python is the one we are discussing. Very systematically and chronologically, the book projects the language to the reader. Starting from the basic teaching, it gradually goes to advance level python. And finally, you will get exercises to improve your skills.
Table of Contents
- Part I- Beginning Python
- Introductions
- Lexical Matters
- Statement and Inspection- Preliminaries
- Built-in data-types
- Functions and Classes- A Preview
- Statements
- Functions, Modules, Packages, and Debugging
- Classes
- Special Tasks
- Part II- Advanced Python
- Python 201
- Regular Expression
- Iterative Objects
- Unit Tests
- Extending and Embedding Python
- Parsing
- GUI application
- Guidance on Packages and Modules
- End Matter
- Part III- Python Workbook
- Lexical Structures
- Execution Model
- Built-in Data Types
- Statements
- Functions
- Object-oriented Programming and Classes
- Additional, an Advanced Topics
- Applications and Recipes
- Part IV- Generating Python Bindings for XML
- Generating the Code
- Using the Generated Code to Parse and Export and XML Document
- Some Command-Line Options You might want to Know.
- The Graphical Front End
- Adding Application-Specific Behaviour
- Special Situations and Uses
- Some Hints
4. Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies
Do you know how to interact with your computer and python? Yes, this book will teach you how to make conversation with a computer and interact with python. You can make decisions and perform different work with enough skill after reading this book. Besides knowing and performing usual tasking, you will know innovative ways and means to perform advanced tasks.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started with Python
- Talking to Your Computer
- Getting Your Copy of Python
- Interacting with Python
- Writing Your First Application
- Talking the Talk
- Storing and Modifying Information
- Managing Information
- Making Decision
- Performing Repetitive Tasks
- Dealing with Errors
- Performing Common Tasks
- Interacting with Modules
- Working with Strings
- Managing Lists
- Collecting All Sorts of Data
- Creating and Using classes
- Performing Advanced Tasks
- Sorting Data in Files
- Sending an Email
- The Part of Tens
- Ten Amazing Programming Resources
- Ten Ways to Make a Living with Python
5. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Let’s talk about some boring stuff via python. The book is for the advanced level reader, where many important things are well discussed with python. It has a vast discussion on Python programming where flow control, functions, lists, etc., have come up. It has also mentioned different working procedures with excel, pdf, CSV, and many more formats with python.
Table of Contents
- Part I: Python Programming
- Python Basics
- Flow Control
- Functions
- Lists
- Dictionaries and Structuring Data
- Manipulating Strings
- Part II: Automating Tasks
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Reading and Writing Files
- Organizing Files
- Debugging
- Web Scraping
- Working with Excel Spreadsheets
- Working with Pdf and Word Documents
- Working with CSV File and JSON Data
- Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs
- Sending Email and Text Messages
- Manipulating Images
- Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation
6. Core Python Applications Programming
This is one of the best books for python programming. The book presents the whole book in three parts where, in the first part, all the generals related to programming are discussed. In the second part, the book teaches about web development, and finally, different experiments and supplements are given nicely.
Within these, many important topics like GUI programming, multi-thread programming, network programming, Cloud computing, etc., came up. After finishing the book, you will agree with it as the best python book.
Table of Contents
- General Application Topics
- Regular Expressions
- Network Programming’
- Internet Client Programming
- Multithreaded Programming
- GUI Programming
- Database Programming
- Programming Microsoft Office
- Extending Python
- Web Development
- Web Clients and Servers
- Web Programming: CGI and WSGI
- Web Frameworks: Django
- Cloud Computing: Google App Engine
- Web Services
- Experimental/ Supplemental
- Text Processing
- Miscellaneous
7. Hands-on Python Tutorial
This book is a good guideline for python learners. The book, mainly in broad head, discusses the beginning of the language, different types of methods, the control and flow, dynamics of webpages. Within these discussions, there are important and interesting topics like integer arithmetic, graphics, mad libs revisited, etc. The book highlights different objects for learning python and some important methods.
Table of Contents
- Beginning with Python
- The Python Interpreter and Idle, Part I
- Whirlwind Introduction to Types and Functions
- Integer Arithmetic
- Strings Part I
- Variables and Assignment
- Many more
- Objects and Methods
- Strings Part III
- More Classes and Methods
- Mad Libs Revisited
- Graphics
- Files
- More Flow of Control
- If Statements
- Loops and Tuples
- While Statements
- Arbitrary Types Treated as Boolean
- Further Topics to Consider
- Dynamic Web Pages
- Overview
- Webpage Basics
- Composing Web Pages in Python
- CGI Dynamic Web Pages
8. Intermediate Python
This book discusses a bit advanced level of python, and you can consider it as the best book to learn python. The book teaches you how to debug and different generators. You will be introduced to different decorators and Ternary operations. You will have to start reading this book with basic knowledge of programming with python as the book is a bit advanced, and there is no introduction to the language even though the book is a masterpiece in teaching programming.
Table of Contents
- *args and *kwargs
- Debugging
- Generators
- Map, Filter, and Reduce
- Set Data Structure
- Ternary Operators
- Decorators
- Global & Return
- Mutation
- Enumerate
- Lambdas
- One-liners
- For/else
- Python C Extensions
- Open Function
- Targeting Python 2+3Function Caching
- Coroutines
- Function Catching
- Context managers
9. Learn Python in 7 Days
Who does not want to learn within a short time? Here is the book that teaches you Python with a duration of 7 days! The book is nicely organized and shows you different steps of learning python. Firstly the book tells you why to learn python in the data lotion process and some basic parts.
You can learn the variables and operators in the next chapter. You can then go deeper with detailed explanations of each topic in different chapters like strings, dictionaries, loops, etc.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started with Python
- Type Variables and Operators
- Strings
- Lists
- Dictionary
- Control Statements and Loops
- Function and Scope Variable
- Modules and Packages
- File Handling and Exceptions
- Collections
- Class and Objects
10. Learning Python: Learn to Code
This is a good door book to enter the python. This book will teach you about what are the drawbacks, who are the Python users these days, the process of setting environments, etc. The organization and execution model of python is elaborately discussed in the book.
Data building and decision-making is another important discussion in the book. You can come to know about different developments that are test-driven. We recommend this book as the best python book.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and First Steps- Take a Deep Breath
- Built-in Data Types
- Iterating and Making Decisions
- Functions, the Building Blocks of Codes
- Saving Time and Memory
- Advanced Concepts- OOP, Decorators, and Iterators
- Testing, Profiling, ad Dealing with Exceptions
- The edges- GUI and Scripts
- Data Science
- Web Development Done Right
- Debugging and Troubleshooting
- Summing Up- A Complete Example
11. Learning Python
This is an O’Reilly publication of the best python book. The book starts with different questions that may arise in someone’s mind regarding python. However, the session also contains answers to those questions. Then the book shifts to teach the types of python and different operations. The book chronologically discusses some more important things like Statements and Syntax, Functions, Modules, Classes and OOP, and Advanced Topics in detail.
Table of Contents
- A Python Q&A Session
- How Python Runs Programs
- How You Run Programs
- Introducing Python Object Types
- Numeric Types
- The Dynamic Typing Interlude
- Strings
- Lists and Dictionaries
- Tuples, Files, and Everything Else
- Introducing Python Statements
- Assignments, Expressions, and Prints
- If tests and Syntax Rules
- While and for loops
- Interactions and Comprehensions, Part I
- The Documentation Interlude
- Function Basics
- Scopes
- Arguments
- Advance function Topics
- Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 2
- Modules: The Big Picture
- Module Coding Basics
12. Python 3 for Absolute Beginners
Python 3 book is one of the best python books for beginners. The book firstly introduces the concept of python to the reader. You will come to know about the design process of different software. Like other programming books with python, this best Python book also gives all the descriptions of basic topics related to Python like lists, functions, classes. There are some exceptions in python programming, which are also mentioned with due importance in a chapter.
Table of Contents
- Introducing Python
- Designing Software
- Variables and Data Types
- Making Choices
- Using Lists
- Functions
- Working with Text
- Executable Files, Organization, and Python on the Web
- Classes
- Exceptions
- Reusing Code with Modules and Packages
- Simple Windowed Applications
13. Learning to Program Using Python
Cody Jackson has written a nice book on python in a very innovative way. You can consider it as the best book for Python Programming. Like the other Python books, this book contains almost all things like Lists, Dictionaries, Statements, etc., related to Python. The book also discusses the elaborately GUI where you can know what wxPython does an overview of GUI. Different exceptions, databases, Python 3, etc., are also the main discussion points here.
Table of Contents
- Why Python?
- How is Python Different?
- Comparison of Programming Languages
- The Python Interpreter
- Types and Operators
- Strings
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Files
- Statements
- Documenting Your Code
- Making a Program
- Exceptions
- Object-Oriented Programming
- More OOP
- Databases
- Distributing Your Program
- Python 3
- Overview of Graphical User Interfaces
- A Simple Graphical Dice Roller
- What Can wxPython Do
14. Making Games with Python & Pygame
The book is an intermediate-level programming book on python. The book discusses different games, how to play them, what the codes are in the game, and more information, which will help you to make a game alike.
If you are planning to read the book, you must know basic Python programming and know variables and loops. Slide Puzzle, Simulate, Star Pusher are some important games discussed here. So, having basic knowledge about programming is a must to get the message of this book.
Table of Contents
- Installing Python and Pygame
- Pygame Basics
- Memory Puzzle
- Slide Puzzle
- Simulate
- Wormy
- Tetromino
- Squirrel Eat Squirrel
- Star Pusher
- Four Extra Games
- Glossary
15. Easy Python Programming for Beginners
All the learners search for the best book for Python programming learning. Yes, this is a recommended book for them, which can be considered the best book to learn python programming.
You firstly will get an overview of python and the installation process in different operating systems like windows, mac, and Linux. Then you will come to know about different important portions of programming like Numbers, variables, strings, lists, etc.
Table of Contents
- What is Python?
- Installing Python
- Introduction of Programming with Python
- Using Python as a Calculator
- Control Flow Tools
- Loops
- Defining Functions
- Recap
16. Python for Computational Science and Engineering
Python for Computational Science and Engineering is a book that teaches you about computational modeling. You can learn different input and output systems. Like other Python books, it introduces and teaches different important elements of python like control flow, functions, modules, python shells, numerical computation, etc. It is a complete book that also covers visualizing data and directions where to go after learning all these.
Table of Contents
- Computational Modelling
- A Powerful Calculator
- Data Types and Data Structures
- Introspection
- Input and Output
- Control Flow
- Functions and Modules
- Functional Tools
- Common Tasks
- From Matlab to Python
- Python Shells
- Symbol Computation
- Numerical Computation
- Numerical Python (NumPy): arraysPython for Computational Science and Engineering
- Visualizing Data
- Numerical Methods Using Python (Spicy)
- Where to go from here?
17. Python for Everybody
Before going to learn to program, we should convince ourselves that why we should learn to program. You will get the answer to this question in this book. You can find different glossaries, debugging, words, and sentences to answer this question. Then you will gradually come to know all the necessary and basic elements related to python. Finally, you will come to know about the Visualization process of programming.
Table of Contents
- Why should you Learn to Write Programs?
- Variables, Expressions, and Statements
- Conditional Execution
- Functions
- Iteration
- Strings
- Files
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Regular Expressions
- Networked Programs
- Using Web Services
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Using Databases and SQL
- Visualizing Data
18. Python Tutorial
The book comes with different tools orientation that helps to learn and utilize python properly. All other things, like modules, data structures, classes, are discussed in an excellent and detailed way. There is a vast glossary at the end of the book that helps the readers understand and find any terminology easy. You can get a good idea and understanding of the standard Python library in two different parts.
Table of Contents
- Whetting your Appetite
- Using the Python Interpreter
- An Informal Introduction it Python
- More Control Flow Tools
- Data Structures
- Modules
- Input and Output
- Errors and Exceptions
- Classes
- Brief Top out of the Standard Library- Part I
- Brief Tour of the Standard Library- Part II
- Virtual Environment and Packages
- What Now?
- Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution
- Floating-Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
19. The Quick Python Books
Like any other best python book for beginners, this book also discusses all important and essential topics related to learning python. Besides, the book provides some advanced features of the language. If you want to switch from Python 2 to Python 3, you can justify your decision and learn how to fulfill your decision. The book covers all the basics, starting from Lists to the Graphical User Interface with python.
Table of Contents
- Starting Out
- About Python
- Getting Started
- The Quick Python Overview
- The Essentials
- The Absolute Basics
- Lists, Tuples, and Sets
- Strings
- Dictionaries
- Control Flow
- Functions
- Modules and Scoping Rules
- Python Programs
- Using the Filesystem
- Reading and Writing Files
- Exceptions
- Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
- Graphical User Interface
- Advanced Language Features
- Regular Expressions
- Packages
- Data Types as Objects
- Advanced Object-Oriented Features
- Where Can You Go from Here?
- Testing Your Code Made Easy
- Mobbing from Python 2 to Python 3
- Using Python Libraries
- Network, Web, and Database Programming
20. Think Python
Think Python is, in some cases, similar to other python books but a bit different in the teaching system. Unlike other Python books, the book has different case studies to make the topic more understandable to the readers. These cases are within the basic studies like Iteration, Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, etc. This best python book puts some more and exceptional spice by providing case studies besides the regular topics essential to learn Python.
Table of Contents
- The Way of the Program
- Variables, Expressions, and Statements
- Functions
- Case Study: Interface Design
- Conditionals and Recursion
- Fruitful Functions
- Iteration
- Strings
- Case Study: Word Play
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Case Study: Data Structure Selection
- Files
- Classes and Objects
- Classes and Functions
- Classes and Methods
- Inheritance
- Case Study: Tkinter
Python is another dominating name in the field of programming. Many programmers are using this language to make the world much better in innovative and easy ways. To bring you up on this track, we have so far discussed different books on python. We hope you can find the best Python book for you from these books. We are hopeful that you will get the proper guidelines that you need to learn Python after reading these books.
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