Awesome Vulnerable Applications A curated list of various vulnerable by design applications
The Awesome Vulnerable Applications is a github repository by Kamil Vavra
Online vulnerable app and CTFs
Paid tranining courses
Vulnerable VMs
- Vulhub
- Exploit Exercises
- Metasploitable3 – Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
Cloud Security
- Kubernetes Goat – Kubernetes Goat is “Vulnerable by Design” Kubernetes Cluster. Designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security.
- CloudGoat – CloudGoat is Rhino Security Labs’ “Vulnerable by Design” AWS deployment tool
- CdkGoat – Vulnerable AWS CDK Infra – CdkGoat is Bridgecrew’s “Vulnerable by Design” AWS CDK repository.
- Cfngoat – Vulnerable Cloudformation Template – Cfngoat is Bridgecrew’s “Vulnerable by Design” Cloudformation repository.
- TerraGoat – Vulnerable Terraform Infra – TerraGoat is Bridgecrew’s “Vulnerable by Design” Terraform repository.
- caponeme – Capital One Breach – Repository demonstrating the Capital One breach on your AWS account
SSO – Single Sign On
- vulnerable-sso – vulnerable single sign on
Mobile Security
- Allsafe – Allsafe is an intentionally vulnerable application that contains various vulnerabilities.
- InsecureBankv2 – Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
- Vulnerable Kext – A WIP “Vulnerable by Design” kext for iOS/macOS to play & learn *OS kernel exploitation
- InjuredAndroid – A vulnerable Android application that shows simple examples of vulnerabilities in a ctf style.
- Damn Vulnerable Bank – Damn Vulnerable Bank is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable android application.
- InsecureShop – An Intentionally designed Vulnerable Android Application built in Kotlin.
- AndroGoat – AndroGoat is purposely developed open source vulnerable/insecure app using Kotlin.
- InsecureBankv2 – Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
- DIVA Android – Damn Insecure and vulnerable App for Android
- OVAA – Oversecured Vulnerable Android App
- Vuldroid – Android Application covering various static and dynamic vulnerabilities
OWASP Top 10
- Owasp Juice shop – OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
- DVWA – Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
- DSVW – Damn Small Vulnerable Web
- bWAPP – This is just an instance of the OWASP bWAPP project as a docker container.
- Xtreme Vulnerable Web Application – XVWA is a badly coded web application written in PHP/MySQL that helps security enthusiasts to learn application security.
- lazyweb – This web application is a demonstration of common server-side application flaws. Each of the vulnerabilities has its own difficulty rating.
- OWASP Mutillidae II – OWASP Mutillidae II is a free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application providing a target for web-security enthusiast.
- Pentest_lab – Local penetration testing lab using docker-compose.
- VulnLab – A vulnerable web application lab using Docker
SQL Injection
- Yet Another Vulnerability Database – Yet Another Vulnerability Database
XSS Injection
- clicker-service – simulate XSS – Docker container that intakes post and then “clicks” the link. Intentionally vulnerable. To be used with vulnerable by design web apps to realistically simulate XSS and XSRF (CSRF).
- XSSworm.dev – Self-replication contest
- xssed – A set of XSS vulnerable PHP scripts for testing
- xssable – A vulnerable blogging platform used to demonstrate XSS vulnerabilities.
Server Side Request Forgery
- SSRF_Vulnerable_Lab – This Lab contain the sample codes which are vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery attack
CORS Misconfiguration
- CORS-vulnerable-Lab – Sample vulnerable code and its exploit code
- CORS misconfiguration vulnerable Lab – This Repository contains CORS misconfiguration related vulnerable codes.
XXE Injection
- XXE Lab – A simple web app with a XXE vulnerability.
- docker-java-xxe – Docker image to test XXE attacks in java with tomcat.
Request Smuggling
- Varnish HTTP/2 Request Smuggling – This repository a docker-compose file to setup a local environment that is vulnerable to CVE-2021-36740 Varnish HTTP/2 request smuggling.
- DVWP – Damn Vulnerable WordPress
- exploit-workshop – A step by step workshop to exploit various vulnerabilities in Node.js and Java applications
- DVNA – Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application
- Extreme Vulnerable Node Application – Extreme Vulnerable Node Application
- dvws-node – Damn Vulnerable Web Service is a vulnerable web service/API/application that can be used to learn webservices/API vulnerabilities.
- DVRF – The Damn Vulnerable Router Firmware Project
- OWASP IoT Goat – IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware created to educate software developers and security professionals with testing commonly found vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
- dvws – Damn Vulnerable Web Services – Damn Vulnerable Web Services is an insecure web application with multiple vulnerable web service components that can be used to learn real world web service vulnerabilities.
- Fuzzgoat – A vulnerable C program for testing fuzzers.
- wavsep – The Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Evaluation Project
- leaky-repo – Benchmarking repo for secrets scanning
- OWASP SKF labs – Repo for all the OWASP-SKF Docker lab examples
- Vulnserver – Vulnerable server used for learning software exploitation
- Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application – Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is an intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook’s GraphQL technology, to learn and practice GraphQL Security.
- Vulnerable-nginx – An intentionally vulnerable NGINX setup
- Raspwn OS – The intentionally vulnerable image for the Raspberry Pi.
- python_security – This repository collects lists of security-relavent Python APIs, along with examples of exploits using those APIs
- OWASP-VWAD – The OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory project (VWAD) is a comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications currently available.
- Vulhub – Vulhub is an open-source collection of pre-built vulnerable docker environments.
- VulnDoge – Web app for hunters
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To the extent possible under law, vavkamil has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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