If you just have access to an AD environment but you ...

This is collections of APT and cybercriminals campaign. Please fire issue ...

Statement This tool is for personal safety research study only. Any direct ...

Awesome-Exploit [Disclaimer] The technologies, ideas and tools involved in this warehouse ...

CVE-2022-29464 import requests, urllib3, sys urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if len(sys.argv) != 3: print(f"Usage: ...

7-Zip through 21.07 on Windows allows privilege escalation and command execution ...

Vaf is a cross-platform very advanced and fast web fuzzer written ...

Knock Subdomain Scan v5.3.0 Knockpy is a python3 tool designed to ...

Decrypt passwords, cookies, history, bookmarks from the browser. HackBrowserData is an open-source ...

CVE-2022-21907 A REAL DoS exploit for CVE-2022-21907 It supports IPv4/IPv6/HTTP/HTTPS Affect ...