Sweetheart is an intranet asset detection vulnerability scanning tool that supports weak password blasting. It integrates Xray and Nuclei’s Poc
Tool positioning
Intranet asset detection, general vulnerability scanning, weak password blasting
Tool screenshot
The tool automatically downloads the corresponding version of Chromium according to the system

Turn up probe and scan concurrency
./SbScan -h -wsh 500 --wsp 500

Port scan can write port number, port range or common port type
./SbScan -h -p 80,22,81-89

1. Compile
- Recursively clone the project to get the latest poc
git clone --recursive
- Windows
set GOOS=windows set GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan.exe set GOOS=windows set GOARCH=386 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan.exe
- Mac or Linux
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o SbScan
2. Operation
- auto scan
- Scan according to the specified IP range
./SbScan -h=
- Scan according to the specified IP + port
./SbScan -h= -p=tiny ./SbScan -h=, -p=22,80,443
- Linux & Mac temporarily modify the maximum open file limit to improve concurrent performance
ulimit -n 65535 && ./SbScan -wsh=2048 -wsp=1024 -h=, -p=22,80,443
3. Parameters
- View parameter help command
./SbScan --help Usage: ./SbScan [flags] Flags: -l, -lang string 语言 (default "zh-cn") -il, -isLog 是否显示日志 (default true) -is, -isScreen 是否启用截图 (default true) -h, -host string 检测网段 (default ",,") -p, -port string 端口范围:tiny[精简]、normal[常用]、database[数据库]、caffe[咖啡厅/酒店/机场]、iot[物联网]、all[全部]、自定义 (default "tiny") -pt, -protocol string 端口范围:tcp、udp、tcp+udp (default "tcp+udp") -hb, -hostBlack string 排除网段 -msh, -methodScanHost string 验存方式:PING、ICMP、ARP (default "PING") -if, -iFace string 出口网卡 -wsh, -workerScanHost int 存活并发 (default 250) -tsh, -timeOutScanHost int 存活超时 (default 3) -r, -rarity int 优先级 (default 10) -wsp, -workerScanPort int 扫描并发 (default 250) -tspc, -timeOutScanPortConnect int 端口扫描连接超时 (default 3) -tsps, -timeOutScanPortSend int 端口扫描发包超时 (default 3) -tspr, -timeOutScanPortRead int 端口扫描读取超时 (default 3) -inpo, -isNULLProbeOnly 使用空探针 -iuap, -isUseAllProbes 使用全量探针 -wss, -workerScanSite int 爬虫并发 (default 16) -tss, -timeOutScanSite int 爬虫超时 (default 3) -ts, -timeOutScreen int 截图超时 (default 60)
4. Fourth, the update log
2022-05-20(v0.0.1) [+]1.主机存活检测 [+]2.端口服务扫描 [+]3.网站指纹爬虫
5. Reference items
- Thanks
1.nuclei: 2.xray:
The Tool is a github repository by inbug-team
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