Data Exfiltration via DNS query. Based on CertUtil and NSLookup.


Data exfiltration

DNS Exfiltrator

Exfiltrate data via DNS query. Based on CertUtil and NSLookup.

Command output will be encoded in Base64 encoding with CertUtil, and exfiltrated in chunks up to 63 characters per query with NSLookup.

Batch script for exfiltrating the command output was tested on Windows 10 Enterprise OS (64-bit).

Bash script for decoding the payload was tested on Kali Linux v2020.3 (64-bit).

Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!

TO DO: Make the whole Batch script as an one-liner.

How to Run

TO DO: Make this section more clear.

Open the Command Prompt from \src\ and run the following command:

dns_exfiltrator.bat d2hvYW1p

Your command must be a Batch one-liner encoded in Base64 encoding, e.g. d2hvYW1pICYmIG5ldCBsb2NhbGdyb3VwIGFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3Jz – which is equal to whoami && net localgroup administrators.

TO DO: Not all DNS queries get pulled from Burp Collaborator. Find a solution. Maybe make my own Burp Suite extension.


dns exfiltration
Figure 1 – DNS Exfiltration
wireshark burp
Figure 2 – Wireshark & Burp Collaborator
wireshark tcp
Figure 3 – Wireshark TCP Stream