Top 20 Arduino Books Available for Developers
Basing on the hardware and software that are easy-to-use, the Arduino made itself a strong electronic platform in the open-source world. It has earned enormous popularity in the field of projects that are built based on electronics. If you want to understand and learn embedded systems, then Arduino is the most suitable one. Arduino is well known to be a different sensor reader like a thermometer, sound, heat, etc., and thereby can be used in households and all kinds of industrial installations. So, it is worth learning Arduino in this era. Thus, we are here to give you the best collections of Arduino books to learn Arduino in an easy and constructive way.
Best Arduino Books for Developers
In this article, we have gathered some of the best Arduino books for you so that you can very easily get the proper guidelines to learn Arduino. While giving the books, we did not follow any sequence like general to advance level; rather, we have arranged the books alphabetically.
The short description and contents, along with the description, will help you to find out your suitable books. However, we have skipped the long contents list and listed the very important contents so that you can easily understand the book at a glance. I hope you will find your desired Arduino books easily.
1. 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius
If you want to build your own Arduino projects, then 30 Arduino Projects For Evil Genius is a perfect choice for you. The book contains a good method of teaching with illustrations, photos, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions. You will get the tutorial for all the OS like Windows, Linux, and Mac. The book has a total of 30 Projects with different categories like LED, Sensor, Light, Sound, Power, etc.
Table of Contents
- Quick Start
- A Tour of Arduino
- LED Projects
- More LED Projects
- Sensor Projects
- Light Projects
- Power Projects
- Miscellaneous Projects
- Your Projects
2. Arduino: A Quick Start Guide
The book is a great guideline for different projects based on Arduino. In this Arduino book, you will learn to do more significant projects. If you want to know how to create binary dice, then just go through the book. Like other Arduino books, this book also gives different projects like senors, games, motion sensors, alarms, networking, etc. There is some advanced programming in the book. The book is one of the best Arduino books to learn Arduino projects.
Table of Content
- Welcome to the Arduino
- Creating Bigger Projects with the Arduino
- Building Binary Dice
- Building a Morse Code Generator Library
- Sensing the World Around Us
- Building a Motion-Sensing Game controller
- Writing a Game for the Motion-Sensing Game Controller
- Generating Videos Signals with an Arduino
- Tinkering with the Wii Nunchuk, Networking with Arduino
- Creating a Burglar Alarm with Email Notification
- Controlling Motors with Arduino and Electronics and Soldering Basics
- Advanced Arduino Programming and Advanced Serial Programming
- Controlling the Arduino with a Browser
3. Arduino Advanced Projects
The newbies are always fond of projects, and obviously, they will be looking for some projects which are easy and new. But, unlike other Arduino books for projects, this book contains some advanced level projects based on Arduino. The projects are like making a time that can countdown from thirty seconds. Another good project is the way of controlling a Servo by using a Potentiometer.
Table of Contents
- Arduino UNO Tour
- Getting to Know Your Breadboard
- Safety Tips
- Introduction
- Controlling a Servo with a Potentiometer
- Creating a 30 Second Countdown Timer
- What is an H-Bridge?
- H-Bridge Controlled by an Arduino
- H-Bridge Using Potentiometer
- Recommended Resources
4. Arduino Cookbook
How About a book that contains everything you need to learn Arduino? Well, O’Reilly presents such a book for you, which takes you deep in the study by maintaining all your needs. The book starts with the installation procedure and then continues with Sketch by keeping Structure, convention, loops, and many more in its sub-topic. Topics like the digital and analog system of input, way to get reading from the sensor, different output, etc., are there in the book.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Making the Sketch Do Your Bidding
- Using Mathematical Operators
- Serial Communications and Simple Digital and Analog Input
- Getting Input from Sensors
- Visual Output, Physical Output, and Audio Output
- Remotely Controlling Devices
- Using Displays, Time, and Dates
- Communicating Using I2C and SPI
- Wireless Communication and Ethernet and Networking
- Using, Modifying, and Creating Libraries
- Advanced Coding and Memory Handling
- Using the Controller Chip Hardware
5. Arduino for Dummies
Arduino for Dummies is another masterpiece to do different projects based on Arduino. After reading the book, you will be able to integrate inputs and outputs and use them in your hardware. You will be able to construct strong prototypes and make communication between any software and hardware. However, you will know everything after knowing the basics and by unlocking the potentials.
Table of Contents
- Getting to know Arduino
- Getting Physical with Arduino
- Building on the Basics
- Unlocking Your Arduino Potential
- Sussing Out Software
- The Part of Tens
6. Arduino Project Book
Arduino Project Book is one of the biggest Arduino books for project building. The book has a very rich glossary to make the topics easier and understandable to the readers. There are as many as fifteen projects with details so that you can make it very easily on your own. You will get an orientation study at the beginning where you can learn about your tools, and gradually you will be learning different projects based on light, sensor, sound, etc.
Table of Contents
- Get to Know Your Tools
- Spaceship Interface
- Love-o-Meter
- Color Mixing Lamp, Mood Cue, Light Theremin
- Keyboard Instrument, Digital Hourglass, Motorized Pinwheel
- Zoetrope, Crystal Ball, Knock Lock
- Touchy-feely Lamp
- Tweak the Arduino Logo, Hacking Buttons
- Glossary
7. Arduino Projects for Dummies
Earlier, We had a book on Arduino for Dummies, and now we have Arduino Projects for Dummies from the same Brock Craft. The book has made everything easier for the projects to learn how to set up their working environment. The book teaches how to do a project to control your house and garden with Arduino Uno. You will come to know how to work with GPS and create a project.
Table of contents
- Part I: Getting Started with Arduino Projects
- Exploring the World of Arduino
- Setting Up Your Workspace and Tools
- Understanding the Basics
- Part II: Basic Arduino Projects
- The All-Sleeping Eye
- Making a Light Pet
- Making a Scrolling Sign and Building an Arduino Clock
- Part III: The Interactive Home and Garden
- Building a Keypad Entry System and an RFID Tag Reader
- Building an Automated Garden
- Building a Tweeting pet Door and a Home sensing Statio
- Part IV: Advanced Arduino Projects
- Making a GPS Data Logger
- Creating a Remote controlled Car
- Building an LED Cube
- Part V: The Part of Tens
- Ten Great Arduino Resources
- Ten Troubleshooting Tips
8. Arduino Sketches: Tools and Techniques for Programming
In Arduino, you need to know a lot of tools and techniques to become a professional in the field, and this book helps you to do so. Besides normal teaching, the book will teach programming for Arduino different basics. There is a good introduction to Arduino Language and serial communication. Gradually the book will give you knowledge on different hardware like GPS, Robot, WiFi, and many more.
Table of Contents
- Programming for Arduino, Electronics Basics, Standard Libraries
- The Arduino Language, Serial Communication
- Wire, Ethernet, and WiFi
- LiquidCrystal
- SD, TFT, Servo
- Stepper, Formats
- GSM, Device Specification Libraries
- Audio, Scheduled, and USB host.
- Esplora, Robot
- Bridge, User Libraries, and Shields
- Improving Third-Party Libraries
- Creating Your Shield
- Creating Your Library
9. Arduino Tutorials Point
The book is for people who have an enthusiasm for learning Arduino as a hobby. If you want to know about microcontrollers and sensors, then this book will help you. The book covers the basics of the topic, different advanced topics, some projects based on Arduino, etc. The book emphasizes sensors that give different readings, control of motors in different modes, and sound sensors.
Table of Contents
- Basics
- Overview
- Board Description
- Function Libraries
- I/O Functions
- Advanced I/O Functions
- Advanced
- Due & Zero
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Projects
- Blinking LED
- Fading LED
- Sensors
- Humidity Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- Motor Control
- DC Motor
- Servo Motor
- Arduino and Sound
- Tone Library
- Wireless Communication
10. Beginning Arduino Programming
The book is intended to teach coding so that you can make outstanding programming for microcontroller boards. Unlike Arduino books for projects, this book starts with some important code studies. The book will teach you how to sketch the code, make different decisions, work using variables, etc. There are some advanced topics like advanced functions, the memory of the hardware, etc.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Sketching in Code
- Working with Variables
- Making Decisions
- Digital Ins and Outs
- Analog In, Analog Out
- Advanced Functions
- Arrays and Memory
- Hardware Libraries
- Serial and I2C
- Continuing On Beginning Electronics
11. Beginning C for Arduino
The book is a guideline to learn C programming to make it useful for Arduino and microcontrollers. The chemistry of Arduino and C programming language has become clearer in the book. Starting from the very basics of C, like data types, it will go deep into the discussion like data Functions, decision making, etc.
There is a good introduction to pointers and a good discussion on the libraries of Arduino. The book has a good exercise portion in the end that contains answers to the questions as well.
Table of Contents
- Arduino C
- Arduino C Data Types
- Decision Making in C
- Programming Loops in C
- Functions in C
- Storage classes and Scope
- Introduction to Pointers
- Using Pointers Effectively
- Structures, Unions, and Data storage
- The C Preprocessor and Bitwise Operations
- Arduino Libraries
- Suppliers and Sources
- Electronic Components Experiments
- Answers to Exercises
12. C Programming for Arduino
C Programming for Arduino is one of the best Arduino books to learn Arduino, where you will use Arduino boards properly. The book will teach you Arduino by using different core concepts, examples, and illustrations.
In the discussion part of the book, there are topics regarding digital inputs, analog inputs, designing visually, etc. You will come across different advanced techniques in the subsequent chapters. Finally, you will get tips to improve C programming for Arduino.
Table of Contents
- Let’s Plug Things
- First Contact with C
- Improve Programming with Functions, math, and Timing
- Sensing with Digital Inputs
- Sending the World – Feeling with Analog Inputs
- Talkin Over Serial
- Designing Visual Output Feedback
- Making Things Move and Creating Sounds
- Some Advanced Techniques
- Networking
- Playing with the Max 6 Framework
- Improving Your C Programming and Creating Libraries
13. Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino
This is one of the best Arduino books that shows the chemistry of C Programming language and Arduino to have control on the Embedded controllers. Firstly a detailed discussion on different C programming topics like basics, arrays, strings, looping, etc., are discussed in detail to make the topics easy and clear. There are some projects in the end, like a digital circuit, analog circuit, etc.
Table of Contents
- C Memory Organization
- C Language Basics
- C Storage Types and Scope
- C Arrays and Strings
- C conditionals and Looping
- C Pointers, C Looking-Up Tables, C Structures
- C Linked Lists, C Memory, C File I/O
- C Command Line Arguments
- Embedded Programming Hardware Architecture
- AVR ATmega328P Overview
- Includes and Defines
- Digital Output Circuitry, PinMode, DigitalWrite
- Delay, DigitalRead, DigitalWrite
- Delay, DigitalRead, Analog Input Circuitry
- AnalogRead, AnalogWrite
- Time/ counter, Interrupts
14. Exploring Arduino Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry
What are the basics of engineering with Arduino? Well, let us learn all those with different inputs, outputs, analog sensor discussions in the book’s first chapter. If you want to know how to control the environment of Arduino, then you have to go through the second chapter of the book. The third chapter will tell you how to make communication interfaces with different Bus. Finally, you will come to know different projects based on Arduino.
Table of Contents
- Part I: Arduino Engineering Basics
- String Up and Blinking with the Arduino
- Digital Inputs, Outputs, and Pulse-Width Modulation
- Reading Analog Sensor
- Part II: Controlling Your Environment
- Using Transistors and Driving Motors
- Making Sounds
- USB and Serial Communication Shit Registers
- Part III: Communication Interfaces
- The I2C Bus
- The SPI Bus
- Interfacing with Liquid Crystal Displays
- Wireless Communication with XBee Radios
- Part IV: Advanced Topics and Projects
- Hardware and Timer Interrupts
- Data Logging with SD Cards
- Connecting Your Arduino to the Internet
15. Introduction to Arduino: A Piece of Cake
Introduction to Arduino: A Piece of Cake is a book that introduces Arduino and teaches a lot of projects based on Arduino. The book has different projects based on input, light, sound, sensors, etc. You will know how to make a digital thermometer, build a rubber band gun, etc. There are some more interesting projects which will lead you to do your projects with all these teachings.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Making Light Patterns
- Input
- Sound
- Making a Digital Thermometer
- Graphics (Pictures) on Our LCD
- Sensor Galore
- Making a Rubber Band Gun
- Do Your Own Project!
- Next Steps
16. Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches
Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches is a book that is not full of booting texts; rather, the book has a lot of illustrations and images with diagrams to make you learn Arduino easily. The book teaches the basics of C language after giving introductory lessons about Arduino. Gradually it discusses deep into programming topics like Functions, arrays, strings, etc. Finally, the book concludes with C++ topics.
Table of Contents
- This is Arduino
- Getting Started
- C Language Basics
- Functions
- Arrays and Strings
- Input and Output
- The Standard Arduino Library
- Data Storage
- LCD Displays
- Arduino Ethernet Programming
- C++ and Libraries
17. Programming with Arduino
Programming with Arduino begins its journey with the basics that you need to know about Arduino. After the precious and comprehensive teaching on Arduino, you will learn the basics of electronics. Gradually you will learn how to develop the environment and ways to do programming with Arduino. Finally, you will know different examples based on Arduino and Arduino projects.
Table of Contents
- Starting to Arduino
- Basic Electronics
- Arduino Development Environment
- Arduino Programming
- Arduino Examples
18. Programming Your Home Automate with Arduino, Android, and Your Computer
Arduino is an expert to make your home a very comfortable one. If you want to make your home or plan to do a project, you can blindly follow this book. The book starts with some of the basic studies regarding Arduino. Then, different important household matters, including their ways of making automation, are given. The projects include when water is filled up by checking level, detecting the package delivery, locking the door, etc.
19. Starts Kit for Arduino
Among all the Arduino books, this book acts as a very easy guide for the newbies to learn Arduino. The book covers all the basic elements of Arduino and then has a lot of lessons on different projects like LED, lighting, button, analog input, sounds, and many more. The book also covers some very interesting experiments done with Arduino. Finally, you will get a list of good references that made the book stronger.
Table of Contents
- Arduino IDE
- Operation Demo
- Arduino Interface Introduction
- Arduino UNO R3 Hardware Introduction
- How to Add Library Files
- Learning Materials
- Ebook
- Language References
- Lessons
20. Teach Yourself Arduino Programming in 24 Hours
How about learning Arduino in 24 hours? Yes, this book will let you learn Arduino programming in the said time. The book has divided all its lessons according to hours. In the first four hours, you will learn the Introduction, use, and creation of the Arduino program. From the fifth to thirteenth hour, different basics and implementation of the data structures will be there, and in the rest hours, you will learn different applications on Arduino.
Table of Contents
- Part I: Arduino Programming Environment
- Introduction to the Arduino
- Core sting an Arduino Programming Environment
- Using the Arduino IDE And Creating an Arduino Program
- Part II: the C Programming Language
- Learning the Basics of C And Structured Commands
- Programming Loops And Working with Strings
- Implementing Data Structures And Creating Functions
- Pointing to Data And Strong Data
- Using Libraries
- Part III: Arduino Applications
- Working with Digital Interfaces
- Interfacing with Analog Devices
- Adding Interrupts
- Communicating with Devices
- Using Sensors And Working with Motors
- Using an LCD
We believe you have found your desired Arduino books to learn Arduino in the best possible way. In this collection, we have tried to gather books that are suitable for both newbies and experts. We also hope that you have got enough ideas to do different projects using Arduino. Now, it is time to get your suggestions for our efforts. If you have any idea or suggestions, please share with us by commenting below.
Finally, we request you to share our works with people who are there to learn Arduino. We are hopeful to serve all kinds of demands of a reader from our collection. I wish you a very good journey with Arduino.
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